The virtuosic manner in handling aerosol cans, the distinct feeling for colors, as well as the strive to constantly create and explore the unknown often influence his intuitive work.
Kosta aims to combine the characteristic elements of Graffiti with classic techniques of painting and the history of arts. His work is often a reflection of his interest in his surroundings, society and sociopolitical developments.
In 2005 Kosta started working under his alter ego and has over the course of the last decade worked throughout Europe. Parts of his work have, amongst others, been exhibited in Paris, London, Amsterdam, Milano, and Barcelona.
Since 2011 he is Co-Founder of KLÅPRAAЖ an experimental brand. With the AEROSOLBUNKER he trade designer items, clothing and painting suplies. Furthermore he is the ceo of the GNIBMOB GmbH, the most effective and succesful mural painting company in middle germany. He`s acctivitys are bundled under the holding named „WKDW Invest GmbH“